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U-17s Touch Down in Cyprus



The 2012 U.S. U-17 WWC Team in Cyprus

The U.S. U-17 WNT arrived in Cyprus during the late evening on Sept. 13 and will train on this island nation in the eastern Mediteranean for several days before heading to Azerbaijan for the 2012 FIFA Women's World Cup that begins on Sept. 22.

The players, old pros by now in the area of international travel, are already adjusting well and had their first training on the afternoon of the 14th, looking pretty sharp for a first practice after a long strip that begun with local flights to Washington, D.C., a flight to Munich and then a flight to Cyprus.

The players are enjoying the scenic ocean views, but know big challenges await in Azerbaijan as the team puts the final touches on its World Cup preparation.

Lizzy Raben blocks a cross from Toni Payne under the watchful eyes of head coach Albertin Montoya


Morgan Andrews and Midge Purce are happy to be on the road to the WWC

U.S. players get loose before the first training in Cyprus

Despite the beauty, the U-17s won't be enjoying much beach time as there's work to do

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