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Amy Dirks

Amy Dirks on Making Smart Choices: Tipping The Scales In Your Favor

Nutrition information for soccer players from Amy Dirks.

Have a question about the best nutrition for soccer players? Just email Amy!

Preventing illness should always be a priority but now more than ever, the importance of staying healthy and building your immunity is crucial in this compromised time of COVID-19.


What foods and beverages will help this process and what lifestyle factors can we control to maintain the integrity of our most precious asset…our health?

Good Nutrition Can Make A Difference

The saying “You are what you eat” rings true considering 70% of your immune system is in your gut.

If you fuel your gut with what it needs to increase the good bacteria and keep the bad at bay, it’s amazing how invincible your body may become.

Youth soccer players know value of healthy eating.

Youth Soccer Nutrition Advice
NUTRITION for SOCCER PLAYERS: Let’s start with food…

  • Eat foods rich in probiotics such as Kefir, organic Greek yogurt, and don’t forget fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut. Kombucha is a wonderful substitute for carbonated beverages such as soda.
  • Use your “FARMACY”-vegetables are your best medicine when it comes to antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrient-dense foods give you the whole vitamin/mineral source along with fiber to keep your gut and immune system in check. Fresh or frozen, find ways to incorporate veggies through smoothies, soups, stir frys, or juices. There are plenty of greens powders now as well if you prefer drinking your veggies. Try Organifi or Garden of Life.

  • Fruits are great for immunity as well but remember, they do have fructose, so when it comes to choosing between a fruit or a veggie, opt for veggies first. Keep frozen fruit handy or freeze any fruit on its way to spoiling for quick smoothies or homemade fruit preserves.
  • Use herbs and spices in cooking and teas. Ginger, oregano, rosemary, turmeric, parsley, and garlic are just a few you can find easily.
  • Speaking of tea, green tea (matcha is a great option) is a great source of antioxidants so try drinking 2-3 cups daily. Dandelion tea is good for liver health so incorporate it as well if you can.
  • Another great drink is bone broth. Both broth promotes a healthy gut and reduces inflammation. Any of the previous herbs/spices mentioned can be incorporated into bone broth, whether homemade or store bought. Use bone broth in soups, as a sipping tea, or in place of water when cooking quinoa and rice.
Bone broth is made by boiling and then simmering the bones/other parts of animals for a very long time so that all of the goodness leaches out into the broth

Why Bone Broth?…the ultimate recovery drink
NUTRITION for SOCCER PLAYERS: Moving on to supplements…

  • Vitamin C (try eating foods with Vitamin C such as citrus fruits, mango, pineapple, bell peppers in addition to supplementing).
  • Zinc can reduce the symptoms and length of a cold.
  • Vitamin D can promote immunity. Use the form D3 if supplementing.

  • Probiotics-in addition to eating probiotic rich foods, taking a probiotic supplement is also beneficial as you will get various strands of good bacteria. Just Thrive spore-based probiotic is one brand I recommend.
  • Elderberry fights colds, flus, allergies and inflammation.
  • Echinacea is another powerful immune system stimulant.

NUTRITION for SOCCER PLAYERS: Don’t forget lifestyle habits….

  • Exercise. A walk or run outside can do wonders for your mental and physical health.
  • Get your daily Vitamin D through the sun. Morning sunlight is most beneficial. Opt for ~20 minutes/day.
  • Work on getting quality sleep every night. Decrease screen time towards bedtime, drink a nighttime tea, take a bath with Epsom salt to increase magnesium. Make quality sleep a priority as your body heals during this time. 10pm-2am is optimal healing time.
Sleeping Kitten with Soccer Ball on SoccerToday - Nutition Informaiton

  • Decrease alcohol consumption if you drink. Alcohol can weaken the immune system. If you are going to partake, choose red wine for more antioxidants.
  • Reduce stress in your life; meditate, practice self-care, and focus on being grateful.
  • Practice good hygiene. Wash hands, brush your teeth and tongue, take cold showers to boost white blood cells, and stay away when symptomatic. Keep hands away from your face and when using hand sanitizer, put a little around and in your nose as well.
“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

Your body has an amazing ability to work synergistically if you just do a little work for it.


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