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Randy Vogt

Andrew Werner Honored as Girls Competitive Coach of the Year by Eastern New York

New York Soccer News: Andrew lives and breathes his job as a New York State Trooper and also volunteering as a youth soccer coach.

Andrew Werner is a local hero. He is celebrated by his community, his family and recognized for his leadership on and off the soccer field. Recently, the Ballston Spa Soccer Club coach of six years was honored by the US Youth Soccer state association in New York.

The Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) is very pleased to announce that Andrew Werner has been selected as our Girls Competitive Coach of the Year. Andrew was nominated by Ballston Spa Soccer Club President Rob Smarz as well the parents of two of his players. Andrew’s Girls-Under-12 team plays in the Capital District Youth Soccer League (CDYSL).


Andrew Werner Honored as Girls Competitive Coach of the Year by Eastern New York

Club President Smarz wrote that “I’ve never seen a volunteer youth coach put in what Andrew puts in to his team. He lives and breathes his job as a detective with the New York State Troopers and does the same with his daughter’s soccer team, for all the right reasons.”

Soccer parents Justin and Leigh Delgado wrote that “we had no idea what our daughter’s future as a soccer player would be when we signed her up for the Ballston Spa Soccer Club. At the time, we were hoping she’d gain some athletic skills, learn to be part of a team and gain some personal confidence. She got so much more and so did we! As a coach, Andrew is tough, consistent, reliable but most importantly, he is a constant champion for his team and every girl on it. His players feel a sense of pride when they walk off the field to a high-five from Coach Andrew because they played well, tried a new skill, made a new move or simply gave it their all. Andrew instills a sense of community in his team on and off the field. You win together, you lose together but most importantly at this age, you grow together. Andrew focuses not only on the girls’ technical skills but on their connection to the game by bringing fun, competition and family into every aspect of what being part of his team means.”

Soccer parents Jason and Joanne Wheaton wrote that “we knew from the first practice that Andrew was not just your regular parent-coach. His knowledge and love for the game were immediately apparent and his continued patience ensured that every child was both engaged and inspired … Andrew is a coach who seems to do everything right, always.

“Werner’s values that he has learned in life and clearly through the New York State Police shine daily and are consistently communicated to both his players and their parents, who are always encouraged to be respectful of opponents and the game … Andrew actually created a field in his neighborhood to encourage pick-up soccer for all, including the kids who are not on his team.”


Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association
: With 100,000 youth soccer players–both boys and girls–and more than 25,000 volunteers, the non-profit Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) reaches from Montauk Point, Long Island to the Canadian border. Members are affiliated with nine leagues throughout the association, which covers the entire state of New York east of Route 81. ENYYSA exists to promote and enhance the game of soccer for children and teenagers between the ages of 5 and 19 years old and to encourage the healthy development of youth players, coaches, referees, and administrators.

Photo: At Ballston Spa Soccer Club – PHOTOGRAPHER: PETER R. BARBER

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